Russian Ruble

The typeface sign is a penny

Not a spear at all…

A penny is Novgorod money, which has reached our days, even if only by one name. But everyone knows her!

They say: «Not a spear at all» when they want to say that there is no money.

«Is there any spear?» — that’s what they sometimes ask in Russia when it comes to finding trivial trifles.

A penny, like any other similar small monetary unit (for example, a cent), is always not as important as its «big brother», but it is necessary and in demand, which means there is nowhere without it.

And if there is a penny, then it should have its own headset sign. For example, the lowest unit of other currencies has its own sign. This is how, for example, they designate a euro cent:

In general, it’s bad to run around the little ones. When creating a headset sign for the ruble, it turns out that no one remembered about the penny. But we took it and came up with a recognizable symbol for it. At the same time, writing it turned out to be very easy, which is important when using it.

The technique of execution is as follows. Draw two vertical parallel lines and draw a «beak» to them. Try it, it’s simple.

Ask: «What does spears have to do with it?» So it’s just such a stylization. Although it turns out to be very symbolic.

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