Russian Ruble

The typeface sign of the ruble through Z

«…there was a foreign fashionable guy, but now it’s ours…»

We present the typeface sign of the ruble in the «foreign» version. It is based on the letter Z, but two letters R, meaning «Russian ruble», are clearly visible. Their intertwining forms the actual sign as we saw it. And it is definitely not devoid of symbolism! Especially then, a long time ago, when everyone was coming up with a sign for the ruble.

Nowadays, the idea is seen in a different way, it is felt and perceived in a different way. Looking at this variant of the ruble sign, I would like to say: «All in good time!»

From the «wooden» and purely utilitarian

Once upon a time our ruble was called wooden, and it seemed to sound even insulting. But you know, if he had been presented that way back then, maybe it would have changed the perception a lot. It all depends on the interpretation. After all, it’s ours, dear!

Reliable as a gold bar

If it is necessary for the ruble to inspire confidence, it can be so. The golden Russian ruble should look like this. Inspiring strong confidence.

To gold and absolutely free

If oil is needed, then this is also for Russia. We are a rich country and we can provide not only for ourselves! And what they say about us is out of envy.

Steel character

We are a country with a steely character, we cannot be broken or defeated. This has been proven for centuries! By the way, we also have steel.

The stone is simple and solid, like a pyramid

We have always been and always will be! We say, «Money is not the main thing,» they come and go. The country lived with and without money, but we were, are and will be.

«… and the support of the Russian tricolor…»

Movement is life. When you move, you live and develop.

If you thought there was something familiar about this figure, then it’s just a mirage.…

Take a closer look at the figure!

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