Russian Ruble

About the competition
Competition: Central Bank for the creation of the Russian Ruble typeface
It was a long time ago… The Central Bank of Russia held a competition to create a typeface for the Russian ruble. Then the government approved the sign, and now we use it. Whether anyone likes it or not is no longer important.
About us and gold
Background: Gold doesn’t have to glitter.
We, the company «TESET Studio», participated in the competition to create a typeface for the ruble. Our version was not chosen, but the idea remained, and the work was done! In addition, we then went a little further than the main competition task, proposing the direction of movement — to create a solid currency in Russia, respected in the world.
Competition work from "TESET Studio"
Gold Russian Ruble (design)
The world’s major currencies have a so-called typeface — a graphic symbol that is identical to the name of the currency and, when indicated on banknotes and coins, is clearly identified, showing its affiliation.
Plus + digital ruble
Two rubles = two signs
With the transition to a digital economy, our country faces new challenges and opportunities that change the usual approaches to business and interaction in the domestic and foreign markets. The main ruble, which is a treasury note, behind which gold and foreign exchange reserves, now coexists with a digital one based on blockchain technology. And if initially we had only one symbol, now it is probably time for two.
Ruble Gold – Ruble Healthy
The Russian language, with its unique features, is sometimes incomprehensible to foreigners. For example, the Cyrillic letter «er» often causes confusion: for many, it sounds like the Latin «pi». That is, the modern symbol of our national currency can be read by foreigners, for example, as «Parking», or something else, but also not very serious.
Times are not chosen
What was yours has become ours.
In our country there is a typeface of the ruble, which was officially adopted and approved by the government. Of course, it is an important element of the currency system and a symbol of the economy. However, the world does not stand still, and changes in society require a revision of the symbolism. We live in an era of transformations, when the question arises: maybe it is worth updating some signs to reflect the changes happening around us?
Golden Russian Ruble
«…all that glitters is not gold…»
We use the term «golden», of course, figuratively, without implying that the state should start issuing gold coins into circulation. In our understanding, «golden» is a stable and freely circulating ruble, and nothing more.
Kopeyka typeface
«…not a spear, at all…»
Kopeyka is a Novgorod coin that has survived to this day, albeit only in name. But everyone knows it!
Ruble typeface sign through Z
Three is so much for Russia…
This is a 100% Russian sign, no matter how you look at it. But at the same time, it is laconic, expressive and understandable, and that is the main thing. Even those who are not familiar with Cyrillic writing can write it, because it is simple, similar to a number… Although in the end, this is not important.
Ruble typeface sign with Z
«…was a foreign fashionable guy, but now he’s ours…»
We present the typeface sign of the ruble in a «foreign» version. It is created on the basis of the letter Z, but at the same time two letters P are clearly visible, meaning «Russian ruble». Their interweaving forms the sign itself, as we saw it. And it is certainly not devoid of symbolism! Especially then, a long time ago, when everyone was inventing a sign for the ruble.
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